Didn't they use this guy in a GEICO commercial?
HIM: Women are things.
ME: Thanks for stopping by, caveman. Tell me, after the anthropologists thawed you out, how long did it take them to teach you to speak?
Labels: AW HELL NAW, Guys sure are funny
HIM: Women are things.
Labels: AW HELL NAW, Guys sure are funny
fred8666: can I be your slave? I will do any thing that you order me. I will kiss and massage your feet if you let me.
Labels: Guys sure are funny, Online dating
Hello all. Hope you've been well, and busy and happy as I am.
A older women offered me money to see what the different between boys and girls were.....She was bigger than I and I was intimidated buy her insistance.. so I laid naked on the ground for all of glory and her to see! Then without warning, she straddle my torso and pinned my arms with her knees.......then she took out a roll of nickels, held my nose until my mouth opened , and then one by one she made me swallow as many coins as possible by forcing them down my throat. Don't remember how many coins I swallowed just, recall being taken to emergency. The coins were given back to me by the doctors as a token of the experience.
Labels: Guys sure are funny, Totally random, WHAT THE FUCK
In Bonnie & Clyde:
Labels: Men I love, videos
Went to Hermosa Beach on Sunday last weekend, because I like my holidays hot with a side of drunken 22-year-olds.
Labels: Totally random
The Morrigan has an absolutely hilarious post up about the practical (and very physical) pain of brazilian wax jobs; I highly suggest you read it. A friend of mine had a similar incident a few years back. She attempted to wax herself without first testing the heat of the wax.
Labels: Ginger revealed, Rants
Readers, I realize that I haven't been making regular updates, but you may now follow me on Twitter. I'm giving it a trial run - it may be too annoying to deal with, but we'll see. The good news is that the short, weird encounters that I have can go up on my page immediately. Feel free to make me a favorite, if you are so inclined. I love to be people's favorite!
Labels: Totally random
I can't believe this lady. Has she never heard of the term "self-fulfilling prophecy"? There's nothing more for me to add, really. Enjoy the smackdown.