Diary of a Freak Magnet
I collect freaks like black pants collect lint.
About Me
- Name: Ginger
- Location: Los Angeles, CA
An Irish redhead from New York who's now dating and relating in L.A. Like my icon? See how she was created here.
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Diary of a Freak Magnet by Ginger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Previous Posts
- Lady of the dance
- It's official: I am a twit.
- Proof that my parents were pretty cool
- Achy face
- Single women = lepers!
- What happens in Vegas
- Take care of your beaver
- Best of Craigslist
- The day where my favorite color is celebrated...
- It's been a while, how are you?
Ginger Loves:
- Chaos Theory
- The Breast Cancer Site
- Defamer
- Echidne of the Snakes
- Feministe
- Feministing
- Ghirardelli Chocolate
- Go Fug Yourself
- Heartless Bitches International
- Holla Back NYC
- Ilyka Damen
- Ink and Incapability
- Just For Fun
- Martin Short
- Pajiba
- Pandagon
- Persephone's Box
- PunkAss Blog
- Real Men Are Not
- Salon.com
- Sean Bean
- Sephora
- Shakespeare's Sister
- Snark Scribe
- Sprinkles Cupcakes
- Stack the Cats
- Sunlit Angel
- Witchy-Woo
- Women and Hollywood

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