Diary of a Freak Magnet
I collect freaks like black pants collect lint.
About Me
- Name: Ginger
- Location: Los Angeles, CA
An Irish redhead from New York who's now dating and relating in L.A. Like my icon? See how she was created here.
Follow me! My WOR interview

Diary of a Freak Magnet by Ginger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Previous Posts
- Will that be one lump or two, sir?
- Nice.
- Adventures in babysitting
- SCTV Moment of Zen
- Leprechauns
- Rent boy
- A good philosophy
- Stupid internet
- SCTV Moment of Zen/Happy Friday/Did y'all miss me?
- SCTV Moment of Zen
Ginger Loves:
- Chaos Theory
- The Breast Cancer Site
- Defamer
- Echidne of the Snakes
- Feministe
- Feministing
- Ghirardelli Chocolate
- Go Fug Yourself
- Heartless Bitches International
- Holla Back NYC
- Ilyka Damen
- Ink and Incapability
- Just For Fun
- Martin Short
- Pajiba
- Pandagon
- Persephone's Box
- PunkAss Blog
- Real Men Are Not
- Salon.com
- Sean Bean
- Sephora
- Shakespeare's Sister
- Snark Scribe
- Sprinkles Cupcakes
- Stack the Cats
- Sunlit Angel
- Witchy-Woo
- Women and Hollywood

Hello Ginger...love your blog...I live in FL...and am (way) older, then you...share many of the same experiences...I (also) seem to attract/encounter the "freaks"... of both genders that are out there...good to know it's not (just) me...your fellow "Freak Magent.
Hello Anne, and welcome! I'm glad you enjoy the blog...sorry to hear that you deal with the same kinds freaks that I do.
Thanks Ginger...they (the freaks) are everywhere...and I don't mean the good ones...(writer Dave Barry) claims S.FL has a it's own freak magnet...buried some where down there ...I believe him...that would explain...how/why I in Tallahassee/the northern part of the state...keep finding me...have trouble sleeping...doctor says...it's common f/women my age...talk about FREAKS...any way, your blog is good reading...lets/helps me smile...keep up the good words!
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