Friday, June 20, 2008

“Of all people, you know who I am…who the world needs me to be. I’m Wonder Woman.”

I thought I'd come up as Catwoman, but the quiz don't lie.

The funny thing is, I actually had a boss back in Boston who called me Wonder Woman, because I'd saved his ass so many times. He bought me all kinds of Wonder Woman trinkets when he traveled; I still have the Wonder Woman address book he got me. 

I decided to be Wonder Woman for Halloween that year. That was fun - I rented a costume that looked a lot like this. I even went to Home Depot and bought rope and gold spray paint to make my very own Lasso of Truth.

I went to a party at my friends Robin and Joe's place that night. I was surfing the crimson wave (read: menstruating), which is horrible when you're basically wearing a spangly bathing suit and boots. Even with cramps, I was able to rock my costume until I had, um, un poquito accidente on the couch in their den.

I know you feel me, girls. You do your best to plug it, but sometimes, it escapes anyway. We are animals, after all. The human body ain't always pretty, even when you dress it up.

I couldn't move off the couch while people were still in the den. I didn't want anybody to see. I certainly didn't want anyone to sit on it! After about twenty minutes, people started to move to another room to refresh their drinks; I used the opportunity to clean myself up quickly, then snag Robin and confess my crime. She sympathized and told me not to worry - the couch was a Stainmaster and had special cleaning cloths that would get anything out. I grabbed one and set to work destroying the evidence of my wayward bodily function.

Her husband Joe came downstairs while I was scrubbing. "Did you spill some soda?"

"Yeah, but it's coming out," I lied. He's a very cool guy, but I was too mortified to 'fess up.

Your results:
You are Wonder Woman

You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz



Blogger Snark Scribe said...

Oogh. I feel your pain. I once sat in barbecue sauce at a party, while wearing a white dress. I had multiple ladies ask, "Psst, do you need a tampon?" but I couldn't leave until my ride wanted to. I spent a lot of time standing next to walls.

8:21 AM  
Blogger Ginger said...

Seasonale was a brilliant idea...I wish I was able to take the pill!

6:32 PM  
Blogger yogaprincess said...

Hmm. I'm turned out to be supergirl.

Lean, muscular and feminine.
Honest and a defender of the innocent.

Don't know if I entirely agree with the lean part.

8:36 PM  

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