Sunday, October 08, 2006

New blogroll!

Hello readers! Please forgive the lack of posts over the past week. I took some time off from my life and went to New York for a week. I visited family and zoned out for a bit, to clear my head. It was just what I needed.

I've finally added a links list to the blog; scroll down and you'll see a list called "Ginger Loves:". A couple of the links are really fun; "Stack the Cats" is a great timesuck when you're bored. If you're a blogger who reads Freak Magnet regularly, and you'd like to create a reciprocal link (or if you've linked to me already, and I don't know it), just drop me a line!

Stay tuned for new posts coming soon!


I'm a C-list Blogebrity
A Member of Bust's Girl Wide Web

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